Nayanthara’s upcoming Netflix documentary Nayanthara: Past The Fairy Story is all set to carry forth some unexpected moments from the diva’s life on-screen. Nonetheless, it appears to have hit a roadblock as famous person Dhanush has slammed the producers with a ten crore copyright case for utilizing 3-second clippings from the actress’ movie Naanum Rowdy Dhaan, which he had produced. And now the diva determined to provide it again with an open letter to the Raayan star.
Taking to Instagram, Nayanthara shared an extended letter directed to Dhanush, expressing her angst and shock over the copyright declare he imposed on her Netflix documentary value Rs. 10 crores. She known as it an act of vengeance, because the latter didn’t oblige them with an NOC to make use of some clippings from the movie.
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An excerpt from Nayanthara’s put up learn, “That is an all time low from you and speaks a lot about your character. I want you had been half the individual you painting to be on stage in audio launches in entrance of your harmless followers, however you clearly don’t observe what you preach, not less than not for me and my companion.”
The girl famous person went on to disclose the utter misery she and her workforce confronted after the copyright case slammed towards her documentary and talked about that the footage was taken on private gadgets and is already obtainable overtly on social media.
Furthermore, Nayanthara additionally walked down reminiscence lane and remembered Dhanush’s ego being supremely harm after the blockbuster success of their movie Naanum Rowdy Dhaan.
Lastly, she preached like to prevail about the whole lot else and wished that the producer confirmed largeheartedness and respect for individuals who put in a lot arduous work.
For the uninitiated, Nayanthara: Past The Fairy Story will launch on November 18, 2024, on Netflix. The documentary movie will seize a number of behind-the-scenes moments from the actress’ life, together with her filmography, private life, awards and extra.